Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Told Off By Gemma.

I have added some photos of me getting my hair cut and having to wear a black bin bag as Rosie forgot her coat thing for me and one of Connor looking very cute!

Ok so i have been told off by Gemma!!!!
Not doing my Tobi neb once a day now and so going to try really hard to do it 2 times a day like Gemma say's....easier said then done, but i will really try.
Since taking the Tobi yesterday i have had a right tickle of a cough that as really started to pi** me off lol hope it don't last.

I went to bed at like 8.45pm yesterday, i was just so tired, I'm alot better today and in a clean mode so after i take my Tobi in a min i will start with the washing up and ironing and that. already done the hovering today but only coz Connor ran in to my plant pot and mud went all over the carpet.

I have been saving up for the last 3 weeks!! i opened a online saver and every time any money goes in i put 10 pound in the online saver, i have 50 pound now and Matt as been doing the same and he has 50! we are saving to do up the back garden, we have an old coal shed by our back door, its really ugly and coz its so big we don't get much light in the back of the house and its full of spider so we are just getting permission from the council to pull it down and patio a bit of the back garden so we can set up our BBQ and get some nice chairs and table for the summer! and i want a new washing line lol and were going to put up a new wooden shed at the end of the garden so we have somewhere to keep bits and bobs. anyway i would say we need around 500 pound to do that and we have 100 together so far and that's only in 3 weeks so i don't think it will take us long to do it.

right my washing is done in the tumble dryer so going to sort that then take my Tobi.

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Day One Of Tobi Plan

Ok i have just done the 1st lot of my Tobi so will carry on to moz!


Tobi Nebs.

I know i don't do my Tobi Nebs alot....ok never but i have got a plan!
I'm going to start taking it once a day and see how i go, if i keep that up i will up it to 2 times a day. I don't do my DNAEs unless i know i have time and will do my physio, if i do them and then don't do my physio then its bad as it can make stuff worse in my lungs and i don't want that.

I have a cough again but to tell you the truth i always do so that's nothing new! i do also feel breathless when i walk, even if its just around tesco, so the nebs will help.

I have been doing lots of e-baying this last month and with my mum and dad giving us stuff to sell i think we have made 400-500 pound! all has gone on bills tho so didn't see any of it, well i did see 46.99 of it as i got a new watch :) its a DKNY one and i had the same one 2 years ago for x-mas but i cant find it anywhere! anyway i treated my self to it.
I also got a new Radley purse for mothers day at the weekend too, really happy with that, i love it. thank you Connor xx (and Matt lol)

My friend Charlotte is in hospital at the mo so i went up to see her last night and took her in a goody bag full of bits! she loved it so that was the main thing, and i also got her a this may sound like something she would get anyway but your wrong! as many CF people will tell you because we are in and out of hospital all the time people forget we are ill and just see it as every day life and nothing diff, she was very happy with the card too :)


Thursday, 5 March 2009

Council, Shopping and Nasty Buttons!

The last few days has been all about the council.
I filled out a form about council tax as i have a med's room where my physio bed and bike are and all my feeds stuff and stock or all my i.v's and my normal pills for every day.
Well the lady i talked to when i asked for the form told me that even tho we have this room for all my stuff and don't sleep in it or anything she said i wouldn't get the discount as i have not changed it just put stuff in it.
Anyway a man rang me from the council yesterday and asked what CF was and what i use the room for so once i had told him all about it he said it sounds like i will get the discount but he would need to make a 5 min vist to make sure I'm telling the truth but said he didn't see a reason why not, silly woman didn't know what she was talking about! so he is due at 3pm to moz.

I had a lady ring me on Monday i think it was anyway it turns out we can have our loft insulated for free because I'm on DLA so I'm happy about that all i have to do is get the council to agree to it and it will be done.
I rang the council and they said i have to send them a letter saying what i want to do and they will send one back telling me if we can do it or not so while i was doing that i also asked if we could knock down the old brick coal shed by our back door as i cant see Connor in the garden unless I'm out there with him, so its for safety really + i really hate it, its about a foot from our back door and its full of bugs and not very nice stuff lol so I'm going to drop that in to moz after i have taken Connor to tumble tot's.

I went shopping to lakeside with my friend Laura yesterday, it was a really nice day out! i got Matt his birthday stuff, wont tell you what as me may read this! I also got a few things to make a cake with too :D if i don't mess it up that is lol if i do i will just buy a white iced cake and put everything on that, i will also take photo's.

Think i have got my button sorted out now, it was bleeding last night as when i woke up i had crusty dry bloody round it, it kills. i have started my cipro yesterday so hope they work even tho my CF nurse said they couldn't say if they would or not! grrr.
I'm going to deff have it out still as i hate it and don't use it so i want it out!
I have to pick up some dressing for it to moz and see if that will also help it, she said that i should not be worried if it turns my belly black....right lol

Monday, 2 March 2009

Bits And Bobs....

Why do i never seem to have any time to do this and update everyone on what has been going on in our little life's.

As i type i have Connor sat on my lap twisting his neck to see the TV but wont get off me to make it easier for him, every time i try to move him he gets the hump and jumps right back on...and if he's not sat with me he is an inch away from the TV and many a time i have come back in the room from washing up or what not and he is there an inch away and able to lick it if he wished! that or he is on the house phone, i just thank god he hasn't dialed the police yet but I'm sure he will and one day when I'm cleaning or something we will have 3 cop cars turn up and kick the door in coz they think someone has been killed!!
Talking about that someone has been killed by my mums house, since Saturday morning there whole street next to my mums has been taped off and there is police there 24/7, word in the street is that a old woman in her 60's was robbed when she got home so she phoned the police but while she was waiting for them (and we all know how long they take to come out) the robbers came back to take more stuff and found her there and something went wrong and they killed her and legged it!!!! it makes me sick to think why anyone would kill anyone let alone an old woman 60+ years old, its just not right on a number of levels. i hope they get found and go down for life, and also life should mean life! not 18 years.

This last month we have had just about ever bill you can think of come through our door, Matt only got paid on Friday and with paying everything he only has 17 pound left! we got to live on mine now for the month, it isn't that bad but we cant spend any more money on anything but food and to fill the car up. its also Matt's birthday on 10th but I'm going to have to see what i can do about that. he wants a new football shirt but its about 45 pound and i really don't think i can get that this month so it might have to wait till next month and i just get him some sweets or something just so he has something to open up on his birthday.

I have been selling on eBay and so far we have around 80 pound once they take there fee's so that's good, i also have alot more on at the mo and if they sell i should have around 200 pound more so I'm really hoping they sell.

Everyone seems to be going away at the mo :( me and Matt have been together 3 years 4 months and we have never had a holiday away yet, Matt went to the USA a months or 2 after we got together....and me, well the last holiday i went on was when i was 15!!!!! I'm now 24, 25 this year so you can see its been a very long time! and i cant wait for next year, we are going away for Connor's 3rd birthday to a center parc's!!! i really cant wait, it will take a lot of saving but it will be worth it.

Connor has fallen asleep on the sofa now so i cut his nails while i had the chance, i can only do them when he is asleep as he wont sit still for anything lol
anyway while he is asleep I'm going to get on with some washing up.