Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Not Feeling To Chipper

I'm feeling a bit off today so thought it was best to ring the hospital and start some iv's as i know i have to make sure my CRP is down now ready for TX so its best to be on the side of caution really.
I don't think they will keep me, they need the beds and i don't want or need to stay in but to be on the safe size i will be taking a bag with me just in case.

Today has been so stressful with Connor and Matt, Matt's stressed i think because he is worrying about me and he is trying to do all the house work and look after me and Connor and Connor is at that age where he is pushing the line to see how far he can go. All that makes for a stressful house to be in.

I wish i get the call soon so i can start being a real mum to Connor again and Matt can go back to work, life is just at a stand still and its not nice, its not living its just surviving.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OH huni, i hope ur call comes to, but no matter what your always be a great and proper mum because you have the most important thing and thats Love and care. Thinking about u as always xxxx